труба 1220 | труба 1020 | 530 труба | 325 труба

Rebate Credit Cards

Earn Reward Points While You Shop ...

You will be building materials, supplies and other some expensive items for your home construction. These purchases can be bought using a special rebate credit credit card dedicated for your project.

Earn rebates for —

  • building materials,
  • framing,
  • doors and windows,
  • flooring,
  • exterior home — other

    use a credit card that pays you back.


Search a Card of Your Choosing

If you can budget and control your spending,

use a reward credit card to build award points:

link to our nBuy center for rebate cards and information

If you are unable to control spending

because of the ease of credit cards, consider using pre-paid cards to manage spending:

link to our nBuy center for pre-paid card listing

  • view information below on how pre-paid cards can control spending


Home Owners can avoid debt problems by using pre-paid credit cards to manage funds:
  • budget your monthly spending amounts
  • avoid interest rate charges
  • avoid getting into debt problems
  • manage your account online
  • build up your credit reporting history
  • use where credit cards are accepted
User gets a prepaid card for themself or other (approval guaranteed). User adds spending money to the card.
User or other uses card
to buy home supplies, home decor and other at any merchant that accepts MC/VISA cards.
User can monitor
pre-paid account electronically for budgeting purposes.
User or other can reload the card with additional spending funds as needed.
Using pre-paid credit cards can protect the user from mis-use and running up debt.
Using pre-paid cards can avoid cost overruns and help budget spending amounts for other life needs such as food, gas, etc.



link to our nBuy center for pre-paid card listing